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If you enjoy reading about other people’s achievements and cockups as well as learning the odd thing or two then you came to the right place.
I mainly write about tech and try to provide some tutorials or in depth explanations on topics I come across and find interesting (not WordPress). I’m also broadening my horizons and will be adding more posts about team management and Agile concepts and processes. Below you can find a list of my most recent posts and don’t forget to check out the “About Me” page.

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Newton was almost right

In this day and age it is clear that Newtonian physics works well at a small scale but not perfectly when trying to calculate trajectories of planets and such. Nonetheless, it is still a good enough aproximation for a game and as such that’s what I’ll be using for this next phase. Essentially, what I’ll talk about today amounts to creating a solar system replica in C#. For this...

A new dawn

For quite a while now I’ve had this idea of an open ended game. A game where the main point is to just play the game. There is no PvP, there is no end goal just pretty things to look at and a relaxing easy gameplay that you can go through whilst thinking about your day. In other words, imagine Civilizations but without the wars, without the religious victories, no turn based mechanic and an...

Points over time

We’re generally bad at estimating Intuitively we all think we are more than capable to estimate how long something is going to take or how long that couch is. The internet howerver is full of stories proving that to be false time and time again.People in general are bad at estimating things in absolute measures such as hours, meters, kilograms and so on. In regards with development planning these...

Stand Your Scope

Bad pun regarding the name of the game “Stand your ground” aside, I’m starting to develop a new game. Something simple I actually want to finish. In the past I’ve had huge issues with scope creep, starting a simple game only to have it spiral down into a MMORPG with millions of players within a few eeks of working on it. I’m now trying to get around that by setting...

The Universe Has No Bounds

I’m starting a new game. Yes, I know, it’s the 4th thing I’m working on at the same time but this one I actually have a plan for, start to finish and moreover, a plan to get it done.The idea is relatively simple, take everything I like about RTS, Idle Clicker and Exploration games and merge them into a single thing.It is also the first time I’m developing a game for...

Cubic Bézier spline

In the previous post we had a look at what Bézier curves are and how they can form a spline. In this post we will have a look at how the code storing such a spline is going to work. For this part I will be using C# and making use of Unity’s Vector2 classes. As I mentioned before, I will only need open paths. Moreover, I will only need 2D (horizontal plane) paths as the height will be given...

Bézier curves and splines

I’m not going to go over the mathemathics of what a Bézier curve is, there’s plenty of resources explaining that online including a lengthgy Wikipedia page that can be found here. Main thing you need to know is that there’s multiple types of Bézier curves, differentiated by the equations that give them. For our needs we will use the Cubic Bézier curve, connecting them end to...

A new journey

I’ve been trying to make this game for about a year now and I’ve always ended up abandoning it. No more! The idea behind the game is simple enough, you have a car, some procedural terrain, an equally procedurally generated road and you need to get between points A and B within a given time.Why? That’s something I still have to figure out. I’ve been thinking about the main...

The NetworkPacket (Ep. 2)

Before we get to the actual coding I’ll explain a bit about why we will need this class. As you’ve probably guessed from the name it will deal with network packets. However, these are not the actual bit packets that are sent by the TCP layer but a self-contained data packet from the perspective of our setup. It will provide us with a standardized way of knowing what to do and get the...

The ByteBuffer (Ep. 1)

This class will be used to read an array of bytes from the socket and then provide use easy methods for extracting the information from said array into more easily workable data types such as int, float, string, etc. Besides reading this class will also allow us to write data to an array of bytes. This is needed because the socket can only send/receive arrays of bytes so sending an int without...